P & C

The school has an active Parents and Citizens (P&C) group, who work hard to raise additional funds that support the school in achieving its identified academic outcomes. In addition to this they provide an avenue for educational debate, surrounding issues that may impact the school and or wider educational system. For further information contact the school and your details will be provided to the current committee who will, follow up on your enquires

The Parents & Citizens’ Associations were established for the purpose of supporting the school system for the benefit of students.

The Committee comprises of parents and guardians of children attending the school.

At the start of each year the P&C holds its Annual General Meeting and appoints each office bearer position.  Anyone can join the P&C simply by paying the $1 membership and this entitles you to one vote.  However, you can still join at any meeting throughout the year if you are unable to attend the AGM.

West Beechboro Primary School (WBPS) P&C Association prides itself on providing the best it can for our children and nurturing a warm and friendly school community.

We hope that throughout your time at WBPS, you get involved in some way.  It is worthwhile considering the following:  If your child is at WBPS from Kindergarten and stays until Year Six you will be involved with our school for 8 years – if you have younger siblings, even longer.  We urge you therefore to become a part of a community with which you may be involved both educationally and socially for a decade or more.

WBPS P&C endeavours to ensure everyone feels welcome and we hope to see you at a meeting or fundraising event soon.

Please feel free to contact the P&C if you have any questions, suggestions, wish to volunteer or simply to say hello.  We would love to hear from you.

 Purpose of the P & C

  • Provide extra resources for the benefit of government school students
  • Encourage and develop parent participation and involvement in the school
  • Be the forum for parent discussion pertaining to the school community & to gather opinions
  • Promote and support communication & cooperation within the school community


General Meetings are held on Tuesday evenings in the Administration Board Room at 7.30pm  Even if you are not a member we welcome you to attend any of our meetings. Meeting dates are advertised on the school’s calendar found on the website through Schoolzine.

P&C Helper List

The success of the P&C would not be possible without the many volunteers who give up their time to help at each event or fundraising activity.

You may feel happier carrying out a one-off simple task throughout the year which may only take 15 minutes, but is a HUGE help to the P&C and ultimately your child.  Simply add your contact details to the P&C Helpers List at the school canteen at any time. You may or may not be called, but by simply providing your name – you can feel good about supporting your P&C.

P&C Fundraising

The resources we provide to the school are in addition to Government funding and parent school contributions.

Fundraising events are a great way to get involved and meet other parents.

Some events call for gathering donations however, you are also participating when you support the school canteen.

Fundraising Events include but are not limited to; Sausage Sizzles, Mother’s Day stall, raffles, Father’s Day Raffle, Easter raffle, Halloween Disco.