The school P&C operates a canteen service which is located in the undercover area. At the present time Carmel Ariti is the manager of the canteen and oversees the day to day operations. She does encourage volunteers, from the parent body, to speak with her about how they may be able to assist in supporting this service.
The canteen , like all state school canteens, operates the sale of foods under the GREEN, AMBER, RED traffic light system. This state government mandated system dictates what types of food can be sold by the P&C canteen. If you want more information about this please do not hesitate to ask the canteen manager, alternatively you can find information about canteens on the state government website.
The canteen operates on a NO CREDIT policy and all ordering must be done through the class lunch ordering process. Orders will not be taken at the window.
The Canteen is open from 9.15am - 2.15pm Wednesday to Friday.
Orders can be made online through or classrooms have a class canteen basket , with a menu and order bags. This allows students and parents, to leave completed orders, with payment, in the classroom basket from 8:30am.
Parents who wish to speak to the canteen manager can leave a message with the front office staff and the manager will call them back, or visit during opening hours.
CLICK HERE to down load the current summer menu.
CLICK HERE to down load the current winter menu.