As an Independent Public School, West Beechboro Primary School operates under a School Board. Members are elected for a maximum of 2 years and are elected from the staff, parent body, community and local business. The School Board operates separately to the P&C. The role of the School’s Board is to oversee the long term future of the school and provide expertise to assist the school achieve the best education for every child. The Board does not have a role in day-to-day school management. This is the responsibility of the principal and involves educational leadership, and the effective day-to-day administration, supervision, control of the school and its staff.
The School Board meets once a term. Additional meetings may be called as required.
Some of the responsibilities of the School Board include:
- monitoring the progress of the school’s Business Plan;
- noting and reviewing the annual budget (this summarises the income received annually from the Department of Education and other sources, and also lists planned expenditure, including salaries);
- assisting with the formulation of Codes of Conduct (guiding principles that influence the decisions and actions that the school takes);
- participating in a review of the performance of the school;
- creating interest, within and across the community, about the school;
- assisting with the selection of a principal when a vacancy arises (the Chair of the School Board will be a member of the selection panel)
- approving fees, charges, contributions and items of personal use (booklists);
- approving extra cost optional components of programs;
- approving arrangements for sponsorship or advertising;
- liaising with other committees within the school e.g. the P&C;
- providing advice to the principal on religious education and related activities.
Members of the School Board at West Beechboro Independent Primary School are:
Jeremy Dennis (Board Chair)
Rachel Bonney (Parent)
Joanne Brookshaw (Parent)
Stacy Maxted (Parent)
Corelee Heesemans (Parent)
Albina Smajkic (Parent)
Diana Kirkland (Principal)
Jordan Burnham (Manager Corporate Services)