West Beechboro Primary School


Students at West Beechboro Primary School all participate in the eight learning areas, as specified by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA). These learning areas include:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • The Arts
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Technology
  • Languages (AUSLAN)

At West Beechboro, we are implementing whole-school approaches to teaching and learning to ensure seamless progression from Kindergarten through to Year 6.  Central to the whole-school approach is our use of Explicit Instruction as the most common pedagogy across the school. Through use of the High Impact Teaching Model, we can give all students quality access the curriculum. We have developed and implemented an explicit teaching scope and sequence in all curriculum areas. Explicit teaching programs include:

  • Spelling K-6
  • Maths K-6
  • Science K-6
  • Grammar K-6
  • Writing K-6
  • Society and Environment K-6

Specialist teachers are employed in the areas of:


  • Visual Arts
  • Science
  • Physical Education
  • Theatre and Performing Arts
  • AUSLAN (Language)

Assessment and Reporting

At West Beechboro, assessment has a four-fold purpose. It is formative, it provides feedback on learning to the student, it informs teaching, and it provides information for parents and the wider community on progress and achievement.

Our teachers use a variety of tools and resources to assess student achievement. Twice a year, our teachers formally assess each student’s achievements based on the outcomes described in the Western Australian Curriculum. A copy of your child’s report using the grade scale is sent home at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. This gives you a clear picture of your child’s school performance. The report provides written information that clearly shows your child’s achievement in the learning areas studied. We also report to parents through our Seesaw social media platform which is ongoing throughout the year to provide timely and relevant samples of student work and progress. We invite families into the school for a family open night where we welcome the community into the school to see the academic achievements of students across the school.

Students at West Beechboro Primary School undertake a number of assessments:

On Entry Testing occurs in Pre-Primary and students complete On Entry Testing assessments in literacy and numeracy. This assists teachers to identify the learning needs of your child at the commencement of the school year. We can then set achievement targets tailored to the academic needs of each student.

National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assesses students’ skills in numeracy, reading, writing, spelling, punctuation, and grammar. All students in Years 3 and 5 sit for these tests in the first half of the year. NAPLAN results help teachers meet the individual literacy and numeracy needs of students. You will receive a detailed written report of your child’s achievement in these tests.

Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) are held late in second semester for all students in Pre-Primary through to Year 6. These tests are analysed, and the school uses this data to monitor the year-to-year progress of students and allow us to measure whole school progress towards our benchmarks and targets.

Here at West Beechboro Primary School, we engage in learning programs that provide extensive scaffolding for student success. We monitor student achievement closely and tailor our curriculum to suit the needs of all students.