Our School
Our goal is to create an environment that engages each child

Our School

Our Vision

To be recognised as a high achieving school where all students reach their potential academically, physically, creatively, and socially.

At West Beechboro Primary School, it is our passion to ensure that every child has an outstanding education, resulting in high literacy and numeracy competency. Our two mantras, ‘all students can be high achievers’ and ‘every student matters every day’, signify our determination for all students to be successful. As a school that prides itself on meeting the needs of every child, we aim to achieve excellence and equity for all.

West Beechboro Primary School are innovators in public school education. Our school has a focus on high expectations and high standards, which has seen our students continually improve in every measured criterion in NAPLAN testing since 2012. Our dedicated staff strive for high standards in teaching and learning and enthusiastically share exemplary teaching practices, ideas and resources. We seek out professional learning that will maintain excellence and a high degree of expertise in our teaching areas. Our committed staff form a collaborative, proactive team and bring a range of skills that benefit all students.

As our students progress through school, it is important to ensure they develop essential skills, knowledge and understandings in a range of disciplines. We want parents, families and communities to support their children’s learning at home and in school, and to value education as a powerful driver for future success and fulfilment.

Excellence in Teaching and Learning

West Beechboro Primary is committed to teaching and learning excellence. We believe this can only be achieved by developing meaningful partnerships to ensure our future direction is reflective of the changing needs of the local and global community. We are a learning community that practises inclusivity, innovation, collaboration and flexibility, while inspiring and nurturing lifelong learning for students and teachers. We strive for excellence by ensuring that our practices are based on current and informed research We hold ourselves accountable for the outcomes we achieve. Using reliable data, we rigorously reflect and assess our processes and achievements. We celebrate our successes and make informed and confident determinations about our future direction. The school has developed an explicit curriculum for each year level.

The school is well resourced and equipped with up-to-date technology.

The following elements underpin and help support everything that occurs across the school community to ensure alignment between words and actions.

4 Pillars of School-wide Pedagogy

Effective curriculum delivery across the school is guided by four pillars. These are:

Pillar 1- Teacher directed learning

Pillar 2- Explicit instruction

Pillar 3- Moving student’s knowledge from short-term to long-term memory

Pillar 4- Positive teacher-student relationships

6 Givens for Every Learning Environment

Staff at West Beechboro Primary School understand the roles that the following 6 givens play in promoting student achievement.

  1. Strong Relationships
  2. High Expectations and Excellent Classroom Practice
  3. Excellent Presentation –Uniforms, Bookwork and Daily Correction
  4. Appealing Classroom Display
  5. Positive Classroom Tone
  6. Quality Feedback to Students

It is this understanding, along with others, that set us apart as a highly effective school.

3 Imperatives of student Engagement

At West Beechboro Primary School Staff understand the importance of the 3 imperatives and the roles that they play in promoting student achievement. Staff work to ensure that:

  • Students are safe, have trust, respect and feel valued
  • Students have work at their level
  • Students have friends at school

Our Virtues

The school community promotes 8 virtues that have been identified as underpinning everything we do as a school and as individuals. Staff work hard to ensure that students not only understand them but are provided with opportunities to display them. These 8 virtues are:

  • Excellence
  • Courage
  • Respect
  • Perseverance
  • Kindness
  • Cooperation
  • Honesty
  • Enthusiasm


The staff work towards developing and establishing school cultures that have an emphasis on:

  • Clear teacher and student commitment to expectations of high academic performance
  • Emphasis on student uniform
  • A focus on grounds and facilities
  • Staff dress and professionalism
  • Relationships and respect
  • Working as a team