When enrolling your child, you must inform the school of any medical issues or disabilities your child has been diagnosed with.
Below you will find a list of action plans that will help you monitor your child’s health, while keeping us informed of any conditions that impact on their day to day life while at the school.
It is extremely important that these documents have been signed off by your child’s doctor prior to providing them to the school for inclusion on our records.
West Beechboro Primary School is certified as an Asthma Friendly School. Our staff are regularly provided with in services and up-to-date information in relation to Asthma and Anaphylaxis.
The link below will provide additional information to parents about Asthma
Enrolment Policy
Kindy - Year 6
West Beechboro Primary School is a dynamic and innovative school. Due to the high demand for places, the Department of Education has designated West Beechboro Primary School as a local-intake area school. If you live outside of the local-intake area, we welcome your application for consideration and will review it if student numbers allow.
Local Intake Area Enrolment
Students must live within the local-intake area at the time the enrolment commences. The local-intake area map can be viewed below. Roads form the boundary of the local-intake area. Enrolment decisions in public schools are made in accordance with Department of Education Enrolment Policy and Procedures which include age, residential location, visa status and educational needs.
Out of Local Intake Area
Enrolment in pre-compulsory Kindergarten does not guarantee enrolment at West Beechboro Primary School for the following compulsory year, unless the child lives in our local-intake area. Applications for Pre Primary will be considered by the Principal midway through the Kindergarten year as per the Department of Education Enrolment Policy.
The following link will provide you with a rough outline of the school’s intake area. Click Here.
Enrolment Process
Parents initially complete an Application for Enrolment Form (see attached). Once eligibility for enrolment is confirmed, a formal School Enrolment Form can be completed.
A birth certificate, extract of birth or passport must be sighted during the enrolment process. Students will be placed in the year of study corresponding to their date of birth. A copy of immunisation records is also required.
A maximum of 3 documents supporting evidence of residential address within the local intake area may be required at the time of enrolment. This may include a copy of a utilities account (electricity, water, gas) or a copy of a tenancy agreement.
Parents are welcome to call the school and arrange an interview with the Principal or Deputy Principals to enquire more about the teaching and learning program and view the outstanding teaching facilities.
The Department of Education’s Schools and You parent website, has information to assist parents with the application and enrolment processes for their children.
Outside Catchment Area Application forEnrolment -Package A
Inside Catchment Area Enrolment - Package B
Scholarships and High School
Like primary school, it is your residential address, not the primary school your child attends that affects the state high school they can. Students, however, may be eligible for any number of scholarship or entry into special programs on offer within the state system. A number of students, who have attended West Beechboro Independent Public School, have been accepted into sporting programs, academic programs, specialist programs and dance programs. Use the active link below for more information.
Scholarships for Secondary Students in the Western Australian Public System.
Contributions and Charges
Schools receive government funding to meet the students’ basic educational requirements. Additional resources are purchased from Voluntary Contributions. At West Beechboro Primary School, parents are encouraged to pay their Voluntary Contributions each year to help provide the enriched curriculum the school offers all students. Reminders are posted to student addresses twice a year.
The West Beechboro Primary School Board endorses the schedule of Contributions and Charges and payment can be made at the front office,
Contributions and Charges Payment
There are a variety of means of paying these amounts:
- EFTPOS at the school office.
- Direct Debit (details available upon request)
- Cash – The correct change would be appreciated for payments made in cash.
Your Reminder of Unpaid Billing Items form will include the following:
Workbooks – We are able to source the workbooks in bulk and provide a service by selling them directly to parents. Your child must have these books as they are an essential component of the year level curriculum. Workbooks can be purchased and paid for at the administration office. The workbooks are distributed directly to your child’s classroom. Workbooks must be purchased for the start of the new school year.
Stationery Items – These are supplied by the school and are part of your yearly contributions and charges. Students will continually receive new stationery items throughout the year without parents having to supply anything. This must be paid yearly. (If you are experiencing financial hardship, please make an appointment to meet with the Manager Corporate Services to set up a payment by instalment arrangement).
Digital Licenses – Students can access many of our programs digitally, however the school is required to pay for licences to these programs annually. The school subsidises a significant amount of the cost of these licenses.
If you do not wish to be part of this system, you will be supplied with a list of items to purchase throughout the year, however you must pay for workbooks and digital licenses supplied through the school.
Damaged or Lost Resources
A replacement charge for damaged or lost resources (e.g. library books, reading books, dictionaries) will be applied where applicable. An invoice will be generated and posted home. Payment can be made to the front office via cash, EFTPOS or Direct Deposit.